How to apply

The information below applies to 2024 application round which ended on 4 January 2024. There will be no student intake in 2025. Please see here for further information.

Follow these six steps during SECCLO’s admission process. Note that you can complete the first two steps before our application period begins.

  1. Study our admission requirements
  2. Prepare for the admission
    1. Take a language test (if required)
    2. Start collecting your application documents
  3. Fill in and submit the online application
  4. Submit your language test scores (if required)
  5. Monitor your e-mail for our message and complement your application (if required)
  6. If your application is eligible, wait for the selection results to be published

See below for further information on each step.

Step 1 – Study our admission requirements

Before you begin the application process, check your compliance with our admission requirements.

Step 2 – Prepare for the admission

If an English language test is required from you and you have not taken the test yet, book a seat for it immediately. Applications without a valid English test result are not eligible and will not be processed further.

Start collecting your application documents.

Step 3 – Fill in and submit the online application

A link to the online application portal can be found below. The online application form is open 22 November 2023 at 9 am (GMT +2) – 4 January 2024 at 3 pm (GMT +2).

Late applications will not be accepted so be sure to submit your application before the application deadline. Before submitting the application, check it carefully as it is not possible to return to edit it after submission. 

In the online application form, you will be asked about:

  • personal and contact information,
  • previous higher education,
  • motivation for the SECCLO studies (i.e. motivation letter),
  • course descriptions of relevant courses taken, and
  • the scholarships you want to apply for (incl. Erasmus Mundus scholarships).

In addition, you are asked to upload your application documents to the application portal. Please note the separate deadlines given to language test results and recommendation letters.

The application phase is conducted fully online. You do not need to mail us any application documents.

Uploading instructions

The application portal supports the following file formats: .pdf, .png, .jpg and .jpeg, out of which .pdf is preferred especially for educational documents (degree certificates and transcript of records). For the educational documents, we ask you to scan the colour copies of the original documents.

Be sure to include all pages of documents that contain any type of text/writing, even if it is on a back page. This is especially important for educational documents. Make sure that everything in the document is visible and readable on the scan.

Documents that are in the same category (for example, a transcript of records that has four pages) should be scanned into one file. Please do not make a separate file for each page.

Application portal browser support

SECCLO’s application platform requires a modern browser. We recommend the latest version of Google Chrome as it ensures the best performance and security. The application platform also supports Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera, and Microsoft Edge. While these browsers will allow you to run the application platform without problems, you may encounter performance issues or occasional glitches.

Supported browsers are: Google Chrome 84+, Mozilla Firefox 78+, Apple Safari 12+, Opera 66+, Microsoft Edge 44+.


Step 4 – Submit your language test scores (if required)

If an official English language test result is required from you, how you submit the test result depends on the test taken. All language test results are verified. Only the language tests listed at Admission requirements -> Requirements for English language proficiency are accepted.

The final deadline for the English language test result to be received by the SECCLO Admissions Office is 18 January 2024. There are no exceptions to this deadline.

See below for further information (click to open).


Upload a scanned copy of the IELTS Test Report Form (TRF) to the application portal. If you have taken the IELTS Indicator test, upload a document indicating your IELTS Indicator Score ID.

If you receive your IELTS score after you have submitted your online application, please send your Test Report Form by email to In addition, send your electronic test report to Aalto University in the test administrator’s service.

For more information on the IELTS tests, please see the IELTS website (


TOEFL test results must arrive to SECCLO Admissions Office directly from the test administrator (ETS). Only official test scores sent by the test administrator are accepted.

Request your official score report to be sent from the test administrator to Aalto University reporting code 7364 (Score Report Recipient). If a department code is compulsory, you can choose any of the departments available. We receive the results from the test organizer via ETS® Data Manager.

The scores are usually available within 1 to 2 weeks from sending the score report request. For your TOEFL test result to be accepted, the result must reach Aalto University via ETS on 18 January 2024 at the latest.

If you receive your TOEFL score after you have submitted your online application, in addition to requesting the result via ETS to Aalto University, please inform us ( of your TOEFL iBT Appointment number by email.

For more information on the TOEFL tests, please see the ETS website (

C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency

Log into the language test administrator’s service and share your test results to Aalto University. In addition, upload a copy of your C1 Advanced or C2 Proficiency results report to your application form and inform us of your test taker’s ID number (e.g. ABC1234567), Reference number (e.g. 173YU0034522) and Statement of results number. The results are verified electronically.

If you receive your C1/C2 test score after you have submitted your online application, share your test results to Aalto University and send your test taker numbers and a scanned copy of your results report by email to

For more information on the C1/C2 tests, please see their websites at (C1 Advanced, C2 Proficiency).

Pearson Test of English

PTE test scores are sent via the test administrator’s electronic service. Log in to your PTE account and send your results to Aalto University in the test administrator’s service. In addition, add your Score Report Code to the application form. The Score Report Code contains 10 characters that are letters and numbers. The code can be found at the top of the report under the name of the test taker.

If you have already submitted your online application, send your results to Aalto University in the test administrator’s service and inform us ( on your Score Report Code by email.

For more information on how to deliver your PTE results, please see the PTE Academic website (


If you have followed these instructions, you have now applied to SECCLO and we will process your application. What happens next?

Step 5 – Monitor your e-mail for our message and complement your application (if required)

After you submit your online application, SECCLO Admissions Office at Aalto University will check it. Submitted online applications are checked in order of arrival.

After this general eligibility check, SECCLO Admission Office will send you an e-mail with one of the following messages (click for further information):

Your application fulfils our general eligibility requirements and proceeds to the academic evaluation

If you have received this email, please note our policy on complementing your eligible application with additional documents:

  • Until application deadline: it is possible to add documents to your SECCLO application. Please email them to us (
  • After application deadline, 4 January 2024 at 3pm (GMT +2): Complementing your SECCLO application is no longer possible. The only exception are recommendation letters (separate deadline on 18 January 2024).
Your application is incomplete and does not currently fulfil our general eligibility requirements. It will not be processed further unless you complement it
  • Missing compulsory documents: The deadline for complementing your application with missing compulsory documents will be either the SECCLO application deadline (4 January 2024) or – if it is less than one week away – an individual deadline given to you. The individual deadline given will always be one week from the date your online application was checked. Please note that the same deadline applies to additional application documents. Please email us ( any missing compulsory documents so that we can add them to your application.
  • The recommendation letters have a separate deadline, 18 January 2024.
  • Missing English language test result: The final deadline for the English language test result to be received by the SECCLO Admissions Office is 18 January 2024 (see Step 4 above). The same deadline applies to all applicants.
Your application is not eligible and it will not be processed further

For SECCLO’s general eligibility requirements, please see here.

Be sure to follow your e-mail during this time and add “Secclo Erasmus Mundus” to your approved senders*! You should, however, also make sure that you have followed all of our instructions before you submit the application.

*) Monitoring your email (incl. spam/junk mail folder) remains on the applicant’s discretion and SECCLO accepts no responsibility for admission emails not received due to the email settings of the applicant.

Step 6 – If your application is eligible, wait for the selection results to be published

The academic evaluation of the eligible SECCLO applications means that the academic staff of all six SECCLO consortium universities evaluates the applications and makes the final selection and scholarship decisions. This will take place in January-February 2024 and the selection results will be published in February-March 2024.

We will inform all eligible applicants about the selection results by e-mail. The admission letters and all practical instructions will be sent to the selected students soon after.

Rectification request: after the selection results have been published, the applicant has the possibility to request for rectification if they believe that there has been an error in the decision-making process. Applicants cannot appeal against the scholarship decision. The rectification request should be submitted to the SECCLO Consortium ( within 14 days after the publication of the selection results. All rectification requests against the selection decisions are processed by Aalto University. You cannot submit any new documents to support your rectification request.

Good luck during the admission process!