Alumni event on 16 June, Copenhagen

Let's gather to celebrate our years together at NordSecMob and SECCLO!

We are organizing an alumni event for students who studied and graduated in the years 2006-2023. Event will be organized at DTU, Copenhagen. It’s one day event. Alumni participants for the event are responsible for their own travel and accommodation arrangements.  Join the party with your fellow student friends!

Dress code: smart casual


NordSecMob and SECCLO alumni event 16.6.2023

See slides of the programme here: NordSecMob and SECCLO alumni event 16062023 v1506

12.00-13.00 Registration: DTU, Anker Engelunds Vej, building 101 

Coffee and sandwiches

13.00-13.45 Welcome speeches

  • Philip Binning, Senior Vice President, Dean of Graduate Studies and International Affairs, DTU
  • Professor Nicola Dragoni, DTU Compute, Head of Section Cybersecurity. See slides of this presentation here: SECCLO – Dragoni
  • Professor Tuomas Aura, SECCLO Programme Director, Aalto University

13.45-15.00 Alumni speeches on career development after graduation

13.50-14.05 Duisembiyeva Akzharkyn, Security Engineer, TINK, Sweden Secclo alumni presentation

14.05-14.20 Hsin Yi-Chen, Security Solution Manager, Ericsson, Taiwan SECCLO Alumni Talk

14.20-14.35 Dawin Schmidt, ArgoAI, Senior Product Security Architect, Germany Dawin_NSM_Alumni_Event

14.35-14.50 Bruno Duarte, Representative of Erasmus Mundus Student Association EMA, Senior DevOps Engineer, Ericsson, Finland SECCLO – EMA Presentation 2023-06-16


15.00-15.45 Group photo, coffee/tea and cake

15.45 – 16.30 Panel discussion – Alumni panelists from SECCLO and NordSecMob. Moderators: Professor Tuomas Aura and Flemming Stassen

  • What are the emerging needs in industry/research for information security experts?
  • What kind of knowledge, skills and abilities are expected/needed in the future?
  • What kind of technical skills are expected?
  • Remarks on current trends in information security

Eduardo Castellanos Najera, Chief Information Security Officer, Siemens
Georgio Liassas, Head of NEXI Group Cyber Defense Center
Dheeraj Bansal, Senior Security Architect, Novo Nordisk
Naveen Davis, Product Owner and Squad Leader, Danske Bank

Q&A from audience and presemo feedback

17.00-17.45 Bus from DTU campus to city heart of Copenhagen, hop out close to Mermaid place

18.00-19.00 Guided walk in Copenhagen or free time

20.45 Dinner at Restaurant :


Photographer: Peter Alexander Edinger. SECCLO & NordSecMob alumni event participants